EIUGlobal Livability IndexStability, healthcare, education, infrastructure, culture and environment.
 New Delhi-118th, Mumbai rank-119th
Worldwide Educating for the Future Index (WEFFI) -19

Policy environment,Teaching environment ,Overall socio-economic envi.

India-35th Score-53

WEFTravel and Tourism Competitive Travel and tourism at a tipping point 
Global Gender Gap Report four pillars– they are economic opportunity, political empowerment, educational attainment and health and survival. 
Inclusive growth & Development

 Environmental Performance Index  

first-ever Global Social Mobility Index Assesses the 82 economies on “10 pillars” spread across the following five key dimensions of social mobility; India’s overall ranking- 76  Denmark first , Norway, Finland and Sweden, Iceland
Global Risks Report 

Economic confrontations = 78.5%,Domestic political polarization = 78.4%,Extreme heat waves = 77.1%,Destruction of natural resource ecosystems = 76.2%,Cyberattacks: infrastructure = 76.1%

The top five risks to humanity are  published 
Global Competitiveness Index 4.0 
covers 141 economies, which account for 99% of the world’s GDP , ‘progress score’ on a 0-to-100 scale, where 100 represents the ‘frontier’,India moved down 10 places to the rank of 68th   in 2019
based on 12 set of factors that determine productivity 
UNCTADWorld Investment ReportGlobal Green new deal
Commodities and Development  ReportCDDCs- 88 Countries
Trade and development 
IMFWorld Economic Outlook 👀cut annual growth forecast for India,expected to expand 7% in the year ending 31 March 2020 ,still be the fastest growing major economy of the world and much ahead of China 
RBI, the Economic Survey and the ADB have cut their growth outlook for India to 7%. 
NITI AayogHealthy States Progressive India with World Bank, MoHFW; three categories namely, Larger States - Kerala, Andhra Pradesh & Maharashtra on top ;Smaller States - Mizoram and Manipur on top; UTs - Chandigarh and Dadra and Nagar Haveli 
Three domains: Health Outcomes (70%); Governance and Information (12%);  Key Inputs and Processes (18%)
Composite Water Management Index 9 Themes , 28 Indicators
Sustainable Development Goals Index (SDG)
second edition,in collaboration with the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI), the United Nations, and the Global Green Growth Institute,Kerala  top rank with of 70 ,Himachal Pradesh with 69 points 
Aspirant:0-49, Performer:50–64,Front Runner: 65–99,Achiever: 100
UNDPFemale work and labour force participation Indiawith IKEA Foundation, problem of low female labour force participation in India despite massive investments in employment and skill-building initiatives, largest decline in employment was experienced in the primary sector. In contrast, the services sector grew in employment by 6.6 million. 
The rural FLFPR is significantly higher than urban FLFPR,According to World Bank It has fallen to a historic low of 23.3% in 2017-18 

Human Development Index (HDI) 

India was ranked 129 out of 189 countries improving from the 130th position in 2018. other indices that form the part of the 2019 Report are:
  • Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index (IHDI),
  • Gender Development Index (GDI),
  • Gender Inequality Index (GII) and
  • Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI).
3 basic dimensions -A long and healthy life,Access to knowledge,standard of living.
Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) 
Jointly by Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) ,experience poverty in their health, education, and standard of living ,beyond income as the sole indicator for poverty 
MPI assesses poverty at the individual level,Jharkhand has made the most progress 
World Bank Global Economic Prospects 👀Heightened tension, Subdued Investment
Women, Business and the Law 2020
sixth edition in a series ,analyzes laws and regulations affecting women’s economic inclusion in 190 economies, India 117th among 190 countries,scored 74.4 on a par with Benin and Gambia,Only eight economies scored a perfect 100 
8 indicators,Mobility, Workplace, Pay, Marriage, Parenthood, Entrepreneurship, Assets, and Pension.  
Ease of Doing Business Report, 2019
measures the performance of countries across 10 different dimensions, New Zealand -1st position whereas Somalia-190th spot,India at 63rd  out of 190 countries improvement of 14 places
 four parameters -Starting a Business ,Dealing with Construction Permits ,Trading across Borders Resolving Insolvency 
Ministry of commerce and industry. Logistics Ease Across Different States (LEADS) index Based on a stakeholders’ survey conducted by Deloitte ,Gujarat topped, Punjab and Andhra Pradesh took the second and third positions  To assess international trade logistics across states and Union territories.

State Rooftop Solar Attractiveness Index–SARAL

 Conducive environment for solar rooftop installations, encourage investment and lead to the accelerated growth Karnatak first rank  
INSEADGlobal Talent Competitiveness Index (GTCI) 2020
Theme -‘Global Talent in the Age of Artificial Intelligence’ 
Annual benchmarking report that measures the ability of countries to compete for talent, their ability to grow, attract and retain talent India moved up eight places-72nd position 
Transparency International 
Corruption Perceptions Index 2019
180 countries and territories, giving each a score from zero (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean). 
India slipped from 78 to 80 
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions 
Good Governance Index 
observed on the birth anniversary of former Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee (25th December) ,three groups — big states, north-east and hill states, and Union territories,Tamil Nadu topped in Good Governance Index 
10 sectors , Kerala top public health sector,Karnataka  top economic governance 
Global Talent Assessment Company 
India Skills Report , in collaboration with Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) along with partners like UNDP, AICTE, and AIU. 

Top three states in terms of employability: Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh.Top two employable cities: Mumbai and Hyderabad.

Most employable  as per the courses were MBA Students  
 Global Climate Risk Index 2020
The index analyses the extent to which countries and regions have been affected by the impacts of weather-related loss events (storms, floods, heat waves etc.). 
Worst affected in 2018: Japan, Philippines and Germany
Concern Worldwide and Welt Hunger Hilfe 
Global Hunger Index (GHI) Report-2019 
annual publication, India ranked at 102nd position out of 117 countries ,The report also took note of open defecation in India as an impacting factor for health 
four GHI indicators- undernourishment, child stunting, child wasting, and child mortality 
State of the World’s Children
Comprehensive report on children, food and nutrition in 20 years,35% of Indian children suffer from stunting, 17% suffer from wasting, 33% are underweight and 2% are overweight, Every second woman in the country is anaemic  
triple burden – undernutrition, hidden hunger and overweight – threatens the survival, growth and development 
United Nations 
State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 
annually by UN FAO, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), UNICEF, WFP ,WHO; first time comes with estimates of the prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity based on the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES). 
hunger is again on the rise, More than 820 million people in the world are still hungry today 
Equal Measures 2030 
SDG Gender Index
new index launched to measure global gender equality,a joint effort of African Women’s Development and Communication Network, AsianPacific Resource and Research Centre for Women, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Plan International and International Women’s Health Coalition 
 ranked India at 95th among 129 countries ,includes 51 gender specific indicators across 14 of the 17 official SDGs 
UN Women 
“Progress of the World’s Women 2019-20: Families in a Changing World”. 
talks about the diversity of families globally and provides recommendations to support laws and policies that meet the needs of all family members, especially women and girls,  ,In one-out-of-five countries, girls do not have the same inheritance rights as boys. 
In India, 46.7% of families  living with their children, over 31% live in extended families while single person families account for 12.5%; 4.5% of all are run by single mothers. 
International Organisation for Migration
Global Migration Report 2020
In 2019 international migrants estimated 270 mn where more than half of all 141 mn live in Europe and North America. Top destination remains USA nearly 51 mn; top three remittance recipients India ($78.6 billion), China ($67.4 billion) and Mexico ($35.7 billion).  USA top remittance-sending country

India continued to be largest country of origin (17.5 million) followed by Mexico (11.8 mn) and China (10.7 mn)

Emissions Gap Report 2019
Annually, The gap between countries pledge on greenhouse gas emissions reductions and the reduction required to deliver global temperature increase below 2 degree Celsius , The top four emitters (China, USA, EU and India) contribute to over 55 per cent of the total emissions over the last decade
China, the EU28, India, Mexico, Russia and Turkey are projected to meet their targets,India, Russia, Turkey are projected to be ‘over perform’
World Energy Outlook 2019
world’s CO2 emissions are set to continue rising for decades ,three alternative “futures” :Stated Policies Scenario (STEPS) ,Sustainable Development Scenario (SDS) ,Current Policies Scenario

Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP)
a comprehensive summary of the key global trends and patterns in terrorism since 2000 ,Number of global deaths from terrorism fell 15.2% in 2018, largest declines in 2018 were recorded in Iraq
Afghanistan top most terror country replaced Syria