Battle Of Plassey - Background & Significance

Battle Of Plassey - Background & Significance

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Third Battle of Panipat- 1761

Third Battle of Panipat- 1761

Fought between Maratha Empire and Durrani Empire (Afghanistan)

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Warren Hastings 1732-1818

Warren Hastings 1732-1818

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Anglo-Maratha War

Anglo-Maratha War

There were three Anglo-Maratha wars (or Maratha Wars) fought between the British and the Marathas

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Anglo-Mysore Wars - I, II

Anglo-Mysore Wars - I, II

Series of four wars between the British and the Kingdom of Mysore in the latter half of the 18th century in Southern India.

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Third And Fourth Anglo-Mysore Wars

Third And Fourth Anglo-Mysore Wars

Series of four wars between the British and the Kingdom of Mysore in the latter half of the 18th century in Southern India.

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The Famine In Bengal-1770

The Famine In Bengal-1770

This article talks about The Bengal Famine of 1770.

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Regulating Act 1773

Regulating Act 1773

This article talks about The Regulating Act of 1773.

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The Pitt’s India Act, 1784

The Pitt’s India Act, 1784

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Permanent Settlement of Bengal

Permanent Settlement of Bengal

This article will talk about the Permanent Settlement Of Bengal, Lord Cornwallis and the Zamindari System brought in by him.

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Land Revenue Systems In British India - Ryotwari, Mahalwari

Land Revenue Systems In British India - Ryotwari, Mahalwari

Apart from the Permanent Settlement, there were other kinds of land revenue system under the British in India. These were the Ryotwari and the Mahalwari system.

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Raja Ram Mohan Roy – Indian Social Reformer.

Raja Ram Mohan Roy – Indian Social Reformer.

This article talks about Raja Ram Mohan Roy – Indian Social Reformer.

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