Important Definitions- Dec

1.What is an Inner Line Permit?

An Inner Line Permit is an official travel document required by Indian citizens to visit or stay👀 in states and regions where it is applicable. Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram  Nagaland, Manipur👀are currently under the ILP system, and Indian citizens who do not belong to these regions need to have the document to visit or stay.

Outsiders cannot overstay the timeline mentioned in their permits.

Different types of permits are provided — for tourists, for tenants and for other employment purposes, based on the period of stay.

The system is an offshoot of the colonial-era Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulations, 1873👀. The British had brought in these regulations to protect the commercial interest of the crown by regulating entry and exit of Indian citizens from outside these regions for the purpose of trade.

After Independence, the Government of India chose to keep the ILP to protect the interests of the indigenous tribal communities of the Northeast👀. The words, “British subjects (Indians)”, in the original regulations were replaced by “Citizen of India”.

Relation between ILP and Citizenship Amendment Bill

The Citizenship Amendment Bill seeks to amend the existing Citizenship Act, 1955 to enable non-Muslim refugees — specifically Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists, Parsis and Christians — from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan👀 to obtain Indian citizenship.

Initially tabled in the Lok Sabha in 2016, the bill was reviewed by the Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC), and then passed by the Lower House in January 2019. However, due to massive protests against the bill, it couldn’t be introduced in the Rajya Sabha.

Now, if the bill is passed and implemented, with the ILP system also in place, it would mean the refugees who are granted citizenship under the new act will not be permitted to settle in Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and Mizoram.

However, nothing related to the Citizenship Amendment Bill is clearly stated under Meghalaya’s new law, so it is unclear if the ILP restrictions will be applicable to that state.


2.GEO and GSO Satellites :-

3.Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Award -

President of India Ram Nath Kovind, presented Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prizes 2019, for outstanding contributions in science and technology at a function held at Vigyan Bhawan in New Delhi. The awards were presented on the occasion of the 78th Foundation Day of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)👀.

About Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar (SSB) Awards

  1. It recognizes outstanding Indian work in science and technology.
  2. This prestigious science award is presented annually👀 by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) for notable and outstanding research,
  3.  In an environmental science, biology, mathematics, Physics, chemistry, engineering, and medicine.
  4. This most coveted award is named after the founder Director of CSIR, Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar👀. It was 1st awarded in 1958.
  5. Award Comprises of:a citation, a plaque, and cash prize of Rs.5 lakh. In addition, recipients also receive Rs.15,000/month up to age of 65 years👀.


4.What Is Vaping?

Vaping is the inhaling of a vapor created by an electronic cigarette👀 (e-cigarette) or other vaping device.

E-cigarettes are battery-powered smoking devices. They have cartridges filled with a liquid that usually contains nicotine, flavorings, and chemicals. The liquid is heated into a vapor, which the person inhales. That's why using e-cigarettes is called "vaping"👀

What Are the Health Effects of Vaping?

Vaping hasn't been around long enough for us to know how it affects the body over time. But health experts are reporting serious lung damage in people who vape, including some deaths.

Vaping puts nicotine into the body. Nicotine is highly addictive and can:

  • slow brain development in kids and teens and affect memory, concentration, learning, self-control, attention, and mood 
  • increase the risk of other types of addiction as adults

E-cigarettes also:

  • irritate the lungs
  • may cause serious lung damage and even death
  • can lead to smoking cigarettes and other forms of tobacco use

Some people use e-cigarettes to vape marijuana, THC oil, and other dangerous chemicals. Besides irritating the lungs, these drugs also affect how someone thinks, acts, and feels. 

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 Ban on E-Cigarette  

How Do E-cigarettes Work?

There are different kinds of e-cigarettes. But many people use the Juul. This e-cigarette looks like a flash drive and can be charged in a laptop's USB port. It makes less smoke than other e-cigarettes, so some teens use them to vape at home and in school. The Juul pod's nicotine levels are the same as in a full pack of cigarettes.

5.Ceramic Membranes -

Recently, Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute, Kolkata👀has developed Ceramic Membranes for treatment of water contaminated with heavy metals👀. 

About Ceramic membrane •

  1.  It is prepared from a mixture of inorganic substances such as alumina and clay. 
  2. This filter is able to segregate metals such as Iron, Arsenic, fluoride, Arsenic etc👀 along with the other pollutants when water passes through these membranes. 
  3. Its absorption capacity is upto 8 times higher👀 than other membranes and minimises water wastage and can operate under harsh operating environments. 
  4. These membranes last for around 10-15 years without replacement. They can also be used in other sectors like food and beverage, drug and chemicals, waste recovery and recycling industries and are especially useful in petrochemical processing, where it is not possible to use organic membranes. 

Why this technology is significant for India?

Water borne disease burden According to an estimate, 50-60% of population in urban as well as rural areas suffers from water borne diseases in India. Heavy metals in water causes cardiovascular diseases, developmental abnormalities, neurologic and neurobehavioral disorders, diabetes, hearing loss, hematologic and immunologic disorders👀.Limitations of available technologies Other micro water filters available in India such as RO, UV, UF can remove dissolved impurities, microorganisms, chemicals and salts but are unable to remove metal pollutants in water.


Haircuts: A way to address NPAs in banking system👀

What are haircuts in the Indian banking system?

A haircut is the difference between the loan amount and the actual value of the asset used as collateral👀. It reflects the lender's perception of the risk of fall in the value of assets. But in the context of loan recoveries, it is the difference between the actual dues from a borrower and the amount he settles with the bank.

Haircuts are not common in India. However, there have been instances in the past when a lender settles for some equity of a borrower to compensate for a loan loss.

But it is often a last resort when there is absolutely no hope of a recovery and the loan is written off for a one time settlement. The regulators in the recent past have made many other options for banks like the corporate-debt restructuring or allowing sale of bad loans to asset reconstruction companies among others.

7.LIDAR - 

LIDAR or 3D laser scanning was developed in the early 1960s for submarine detection from an aircraft, and early models were used successfully in the early 1970’s. Nowadays, the environmental research is hard to imagine without the use of remote-sensing techniques like Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) and Radio wave Detection and Ranging (RADAR). High spatial and progressive resolution of the measurements, the possibility of observing the atmosphere at ambient conditions, and the potential of covering the height range from the ground to more than 100 km altitude make up the attractiveness of LIDAR instruments.

The variety of interaction processes of the emitted radiation with the atmospheric elements can be used in the LIDAR to allow the determination of the basic environment variables of state, i.e., temperature, pressure, humidity, and wind, as well as the geographical survey, river bed elevation, study of the mines, density of forests and hills, study on underneath of the sea (Bathymetry).

How Does LIDAR Work?

The working principle of Light Detection and Ranging system is really quite simple. A LIDAR sensor mounted on an aircraft or helicopter. It generates Laser pulse train, which sent to the surface/target to measure the time and it takes to return to its source. The actual calculation for measuring how far a returning light photon has traveled to and from an object is calculated by

Distance = (Speed of Light x Time of Flight) / 2

Accurate distances are then calculated to the points on the ground and elevations can be determined along with the ground surface buildings, roads, and vegetation can be recorded. These elevations are combined with digital aerial photography to produce a digital elevation model of the earth.

Applications of LIDAR Systems


The LIDAR is used for calculation of phytoplankton fluorescence and biomass in the ocean surface. It is also used to measure the depth of the ocean (bathymetry).

LiDAR in Oceanography
                                                       LiDAR in Oceanography

DEM (Digital Elevation Model)

It has x, y, z coordinates. Elevation values can be used everywhere, in roads, building, bridge and other. It has made easy to capture the surface height, length, and width.

Atmospheric Physics

LIDAR is used to measure the density of clouds and concentration of oxygen, Co2, nitrogen, sulfur and other gas particles in the middle and upper atmosphere.


LIDAR has always been used by the military people to understand the border surrounding land. It creates a high-resolution map for the military purpose.


LIDAR has been used for the study of the cloud and its behavior. LIDAR uses its wavelength to strike small particles in the cloud to understand cloud density.

River Survey

Greenlight (532 nm) Lasar of the LIDAR is used to measure underwater information is required to understand the depth, width of the river, flow strength and more. For the river engineering, its cross-section data are extracted from Light Detection And Ranging data (DEM) to create a river model, which will create a flood fringe map.

River Survey Using LIDAR
                                River Survey Using LIDAR


Light Detection And Ranging is very accurate and clear-cut technology, which uses Laser pulse to strike the object. Regular Photogrammetry or other survey technology cannot give the surface elevation value of forest canopy. But the LIDAR can penetrate through the object and detect the surface value.

8.Third Generation Partnership Project

About 3GPP-

The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) unites [Seven] telecommunications standard development organizations (ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TSDSI, TTA, TTC), known as “Organizational Partners👀 and provides their members with a stable environment to produce the Reports and Specifications that define 3GPP technologies.

The project covers cellular telecommunications technologies, including radio access, core network and service capabilities, which provide a complete system description for mobile telecommunications.

The 3GPP specifications also provide hooks for non-radio access to the core network,and for interworking with non-3GPP networks.

3GPP specifications and studies are contribution-driven, by member companies, in Working Groups and at the Technical Specification Group level.

The three Technical Specification Groups (TSG) in 3GPP are;

  • Radio Access Networks (RAN),
  • Services & Systems Aspects (SA),
  • Core Network & Terminals (CT
  • It is an abbreviation for Long Term Evolution. LTE is a 4G wireless communications standard developed by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) that are designed to provide up to 10x the speeds of 3G networks for mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, netbooks, notebooks and wireless hotspots.


  • It stands for voice over Long Term Evolution. Utilising IMS technology, it is a digital packet voice service that is delivered over IP via an LTE access network. Voice calls over LTE are recognised as the industry-agreed progression of voice services across mobile networks, deploying LTE radio access technology.


  • It is a networking term to describe the total time it takes a data packet to travel from one node to another👀. In other contexts, when a data packet is transmitted and returned back to its source, the total time for the round trip is known as latency👀.Latency refers to time interval or delays when a system component is waiting for another system component to do something. This duration of time is called latency.

9.Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS)-

The NaVIC or Navigation Indian Constellation and independent navigation satellite👀 system which works through seven eye in the sky .It is designed to provide position information in India and 1500 Km around the Indian Mainland. Here's the look at how it works 

Seven Sisters in Space


Recently, Google announced that it had reached quantum supremacy👀. Google’s quantum computer, called Sycamore👀 which is a 54-qubit processor, solved a particularly difficult problem in 200 seconds.


  • For comparison, the world’s current fastest classical computer — one called Summit owned by IBM would take 10,000 years to solve that same problem. However, IBM has said that the same task can be performed on a classical system in 2.5 days.
  • Although Sycamore performed a benchmark test, it has no real-world use. Even if it has demonstrated quantum supremacy, it could take years or decades for the technology to be freely available.

What is Quantum Computer?


  • Quantum computer runs on the laws of quantum physics as opposed to the classical computers (i.e. phones and laptops), which run on classical physics like Newton’s laws of motion and utilising the flow of electricity.
  • A quantum computer uses the laws that govern the behaviour of atoms and subatomic particles. At that tiny scale, many laws of classical physics do not apply, and the unique laws of quantum physics come into play.
  • The quantum computer was posited by Richard Feynman for modelling quantum systems.


Quantum Supremacy

  • Use in labs for modelling systems, under extreme conditions, like in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
  • Data mining and artificial intelligence
  • Sciences which deal in volumes of data
  • Optimization, planning, and logistics
  • Forecasting
  • Financial modelling and Molecular modelling
  • Genomics, Drug design and discovery
  • Cybersecurity and cryptography

What is Quantum Supremacy?

Quantum Supremacy 1

  • Quantum supremacy describes the point where quantum computers can do things that classical computers cannot👀.
  • This term was proposed in 2012 by John Preskill, professor of theoretical physics at the California Institute of Technology.

Difference between process of Quantum computer and Classical computer?


  • In classical computer, information is stored as either 0 or 1. Every string of such digits (bitstrings) represents a unique character or instruction. For example, 01100001 represents the lowercase “a”.
  • In a quantum computer, information is stored in quantum bits or qubits. A qubit can be both 0 and 1 at the same time.
  • The higher the number of qubits, the higher the amount of information stored in them. Qubits are made of tiny loops of superconducting wire or semiconductors or combination of both.
  • Unlike classical physics, in which an object can exist in one place at one time, quantum physics looks at the probabilities of an object being at different pointsExistence in multiple states is called superposition.
  • In designing a standard computer, each bit is independent from that of all the other bits. But in a quantum computer, each qubit influences the other qubits around it, working together to arrive at a solution. These relationships among these states is called entanglement.
  • The reason why quantum computer is so powerful than the classical computer is that the large amount of information can be stored in quantum computers compared to classical computers.

Why currently it is not practical to use quantum computers?

  • Scientists have only been able to keep qubits in a quantum state for fractions of a second.
  • Generation of errors as qubits fall out of a quantum state. To remove error, more number of qubits are needed, but this can consume so much power that it negates the advantage of using a quantum computer.

Threat from Quantum computers

  • The security of communications, bank accounts and other sensitive data depends on public-key cryptography.
  • At the core of this approach is the fact that factoring very large prime numbers takes a long time. For example, 589 is the result of multiplying two primes: 19 and 31 together. Multiplying two numbers is a mathematically easy problem. However, factoring numbers is a computationally difficult problem especially when numbers are big. This is because computer have to try all of the primes that are less than 589 until it found which prime numbers that when multiplied together come to 589.
  • However, with such fast quantum computers, the online privacy can be compromised.
  • Long after the birth of social media and artificial intelligence, there are now demands to regulate them. It would be prudent to develop a regulatory framework for quantum computing before it becomes widely available.
  • It will be better to regulate it or define the limits of its legitimate use, nationally and internationally before the problem gets out of hand like nuclear technology.

11.Internet of Things-

It is an ecosystem of connected physical objects that are accessible through the internet👀. It is the interconnection of endpoints (devices and things) which can be uniquely addressed and identified with an IP (Internet Protocol) address. With the Internet of Things, devices can be connected to the Internet, sense, gather, receive and send data and communicate with each other and applications via IP technologies, platforms and connectivity solutions. 

The Internet of Things - infographic The Connectivist based on Cisco data - click for full image

Defining the Internet of Things using 7 characteristics

Full Article Guide 

12.Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC)-

 A study analysed that warming up of the Indian ocean👀 is likely to boost a system of currents in the Atlantic Ocean (known as AMOC), that plays a key role in determining the weather across the world


• It is also known as Atlantic Conveyor Belt👀.

• It is part of the Earth’s largest water circulation system known as Thermohaline circulation👀. 

• It also aids in absorbing and storing atmospheric carbon.

 • Changes in this circulation have a profound impact on the global climate system👀.

 • These include changes in African and Indian monsoon rainfall, atmospheric circulation of relevance to hurricanes, and climate over North America and Western Europe.